Sunday, 19 October 2014

Going Round In Circles!!

Yesterday turned into one of those days where everything was planned then everything went to pot!!!

My LOAD layout nearly didn't get created as the prompt just
didn't work for me.
Luckily, it is not necessary to stick to the prompts but it is all about creating a layout every day for the month.
 I spent ages going around in circles trying to come up with something until I found
this circle paper...

So even thought I didn't stick to the prompt, it was the
looking for the prompt that got me there!


  1. Love that paper, great way of using it :)

  2. I'd love to know how you manage to create each day? Do you have a months plan? Do you clear your desk each day? Id love to see how you manage it

  3. Playing catch up again... your layouts are fab as ever :) jx


Thank you so much for leaving me some love!