I recently been thinking about starting my own meme.
There are a fair few that I join in with, some weekly but mostly on a monthly basis.
I got thinking on a recent trip to Manchester and being a sucker for a
homeless person with a dog.
This is not the guy that I chatted to but exactly how him and his dog were sitting...
"We look after each other" he told me.
Now, after a previous experience, I always carry some dog treats in my bag
as I don't like to just give money.
I asked him if I could get him a hot drink and he requested a hot chocolate.
Quickly dashing around the corner into Pizza Hut and explaining to the lovely young girl at the counter,
she made the drink in the biggest cup she could find and sent me on my way after refusing payment.
What a lovely gesture!
The guy gratefully took his hot chocolate and the extra money I now had from not paying for his drink.
So, here's my meme..
Do something ...MAD
just once a month and
Make A Difference
however big or small, just do what you can to make someone smile or lift their spirits.
Link back here if/when you do and let's see if we can make a difference in
someone's life.
Thank you :)