Thursday, 13 June 2013

A Good Sort Out

Yesterday was THE day for a major craft room sort out.
It was loooooooooong overdue.
I've sorted stamps, alphas, papers, embellishments, bling and everything else.
When I order things, I will have a look through then just stick it all (still in its bag) 
on a shellf and forget about it.
You should've heard the oohs and aahs when I stumbled across certain items.
I had 12x12 boxes of kits that I'd put together for crops etc - the items are all now back in the rightful; places and I know exactly where everything is.

I now have a very tidy space to get on with some crafting :)

Next job is to list all my "unwanteds" on Crafty Sellers Facebook page - that'll be a long and tedious job.


  1. ohhh let me know when you've put stuff up :) I am long overdue for a splurge!!!

  2. Well done. I bet you keep smiling when you walk in your room now :)

  3. Oh my I Soooo NEED to sort out my room too!! I've just about convinced hubby we need a trip to ikea for more Expedits!! Your room is looking good ... enjoy working in your tidy space!! xx


Thank you so much for leaving me some love!