Monday, 16 December 2013

CKCB Charades Song

(This post is part of  Counterfeit Kit Christmas Charades, if you want to play along,
 please go back to the beginning)

So, you chose ...

How many words to do you think are in my title?
Click on one of the numbers below

Two         Three         Four

and use one of those songs as your layout title.

Have fun!!!

I will show you my creation tomorrow...


  1. Baby! It IS cold outside! -2 F this morning on the way to work. Snow is pretty though. This was a cute prompt!

  2. And there's one of my top three songs too! Thank God It's Christmas is a winner! Another idea - Lesley, you are a genius

  3. I wondered why you put those board on your pinterest lol


Thank you so much for leaving me some love!