Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Door-Mant No More

Do you see what I did there?

I love scrapbooking and blogging but sometimes, as we all know, other things get in the way.
I haven't been away from my craft desk, I've been doing other things.
Book folding and creating lots of things to sell at the Crafts Fairs that are coming up as we approach Christmas
have taken over my scrap room so it was lovely to create a layout for the

The challenge is to use this
for inspiration and to create a layout using the chosen pin.

I was inspired by...

to create the following layout of me and him enjoying some leisurely time in Barcelona earlier this year.

Can you see how the door inspired me?

Which door will you choose?
Are you still singing along to Shaky?


  1. not singing! but definitely inspired. I have to say this challenge had stumped me but now I see what gorgeous creations you've all made, maybe I'll give it another go!

  2. Fantastic interpretation and I love your photo too.

  3. Haha! Very good. I love the cork on this..makes me want to reach out and touch it

  4. Oh, how creative! I'm with Lisa - this has really unlocked my head with the inspirations.
    Love how you nestled some of your circular elements in those chomped corners & your "pile" of goodies bottom right! You have an amazing right brain!!! (avoided the musical link as I have a very easily suggestable musical ear, lol)

  5. Oh wow, I just love what you've done here. I really need to pin this

  6. Fantastic layout! Love the cork camera and how you used it as the O in Love!!!

  7. perfect take on that inspiration - brilliant!.
    All the best of success to you for your craft fairs.

  8. oooo that is lovely! very clever and yes i see the inspiration :) jx


Thank you so much for leaving me some love!