Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Twelves Galore


So as everyone else is ranting about 12 and this kind of date will never happen again in my lifetime, 
I thought I would join in too.

I've been looking for a clock to capture the moment but the only one I could find was this....

...on my phone. Taking a screenshot was the only way to capture it.

12 seems to be quite a significant number in a lot of respects and I found the following list in the  
The Cincinnati Enquirer



12 months in a year.
12 hours on a clock face.
12 inches in a foot.
12 strikes to bowl a perfect game.
12 people have walked on the moon.
12 face cards in a deck.
12 days of Christmas.
12 apostles of Jesus.
12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.(Not that I'd know!)
12 jurors in felony trials.
12 signs of the Zodiac.
12 pairs of ribs in most humans. 

On Twitter, @Jin_Campbell wrote: "At 12 mins,12 secs after 12 o' clock on Dec 12th, the time will be 12:12:12,12/12/12 & 12 days before Christmas."
I also found another app on my phone which shows timings between 12:12:12 on 12/12/12 and the time and date I was born - and no, I'm not going to check if it's right!!

And what was I doing at 12:12:12 on 12/12/12 - sorting out my wardrobe!!!

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Perfect Timing ...

....for two reasons!

Sitting, staring at my computer is something I do quite a lot of when inspiration has faded away.

Yesterday was one of those times, I'd been busy at school all morning so needed a bit of "ME" time. I haven't done many LOs lately as other things have taken priority so that was my aim.

With inspiration lacking and a bit of blog hopping Sarah's Cards December Sketch Challenge came up trumps. Seeing the sketch I immediately knew which photo I wanted to use. I'd had it printed A4 size in strips and had looked at it many times and wondered why ... that is, until now. 

So the sketch looks like this...

and as you can see I've flipped mine 90º clockwise using my "strip" photos as the main blocks. I really like the way this has turned out. I have used Amy Tangerine papers and embellishments from my stash.

On holiday we are always using the self timer to take photos of the three of us. Most of our "set-ups" take at least three attempts and we've had audiences in the past (which my DD thinks is highly embarrassing!)
This "set-up" was no different and on the 5th attempt it was "Perfect Timing"

                                So Sarah's Cards became my Perfect Timing for my Perfect Timing!

Saturday, 8 December 2012

A Book Lover's Gift

 So really I should've been making cards but I fancied something a bit different.
With the knowledge that I needed a little something extra for a certain person for Christmas I set about making a Book Club Journal.

I covered chipboard for the cover and added elastic to the back cover as a closure.

I found a great template here and printed about 25 pages onto A5 paper. Using my bind-it-all to join the pages and a back cover, I then stuck it all inside with a loop for a pen.

As it's a Book Journal I thought a bookmark and notepad would be appropriate too

I placed these inside a pocket in the front cover.
 I can now wrap it up and place under the Christmas Tree and eagerly await the recipient's reaction....

Sunday, 2 December 2012

6 Spoons, 2 Layouts

To answer a question from Gemma on why I had spoons on my craft desk, here is the answer...

I have made these spoons as markers on an allotment (not mine)
I originally saw them on Pinterest and as I know a few people with veggie plots, I thought it would be a good idea to make a few sets as gifts. They are so easy to make, just a few coats of Mod Podge and a spray of clear acryclic is all that is needed. Just need a good idea on how to wrap them now!

Yesterday was our Christmas crop and I wasn't really in a crafting kind of mood.
The chocolates that Jemma brought got my craft juices flowing and I managed to get two LOs completed.

The first is a picture of my daughter on a recent school trip to Germany. I used an old kit from Sarah's Cards and added a couple of my own embellishments including a huge paperclip from Wilkinsons.

 My second LO highlights a family photo taken in the USA using the self timer. I wanted a photo of us running into the sea but whilst I was setting up the camera, Nick and Imogen (unbeknown to me) decided that they would have a silly moment and run like "girls". The photo doesn't really showcase what Imogen was doing but Nick looks like Larry Grayson!


Saturday, 1 December 2012

Advent x3

December 1st and what a lovely surprise I had this morning!

My wonderful daughter had set up the most fabulous advent calendar for me and it brought tears to my eyes.

Just look at what she made - my very own Advent Forest...

each tree has a surprise inside.

She also made her Dad a North Pole Fishing Hole
He's an avid fisherman hence the fishing theme

this one requires him to fish for the correct number each day so with his recent experience of fishing, he may not be getting many chocolates!

I opted for the Wilton Tins advent for Imogen this year but feel quite disappointed with myself when I see what her imagination has come up with at age 13.

She seemed very happy with it when she walked into the kitchen this morning though.